Rafael Fonseca de Pinho
Advogado | Lawyer
Kasznar Leonardos
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Desde a década de 1990, tem se dedicado a disseminar conhecimentos sobre propriedade intelectual, inovação e uso estratégico de informações tecnológicas. Entre outras atividades, entre 1996 e 1997 participou como consultor da ALANAC no projeto Alerta Patentes. Também atuou em projetos de síntese industrial de farmoquímicos. No início dos anos 2000 realizou centenas de estudos de patenteabiidade e liberdade de operação, em um período em que poucos brasileiros sequer tinham visto uma patente.
Hoje, com mais de 10 mil participantes em centenas de cursos e workshops em todo o Brasil e no exterior, tem procurado criar e conectar redes, atuando na coordenação iniciativas como a Parceria Biodiversidade + Inovação, o Capítulo Brasileiro de Farmacêuticos Sem Fronteiras, a rede Mentores do Brasil, o grupo Cidadãos Pela Educação, Ciência, Tecnologia e Inovação e, mais recentemente, o grupo Inovação & Propriedade Intelectual Brasil.
Henry Suzuki is a Founding Partner of Axonal Consultoria Tecnológica, Holder of Chair No. 2 of the Brazilian Academy of Pharmaceutical Sciences/National Pharmacy Academy - ACFB / ANF, and a member of ABPI and FORTEC.
Since the 1990s, he has been dedicated to disseminating knowledge about intellectual property, innovation, and the strategic use of technological information. Among other activities, between 1996 and 1997 he participated as a consultant in the project Alerta Patentes (Patents Alert) for ALANAC. He also worked in industrial synthesis projects for pharmaceutical chemicals. In the early 2000s, he carried out hundreds of studies on patentability and freedom of operation, in a period when few Brazilians had ever seen a patent.
Today, with more than 10,000 participants in hundreds of courses and workshops throughout Brazil and abroad, he has sought to create and connect networks, acting in coordination initiatives such as the Biodiversity + Innovation Partnership, the Brazilian Chapter of Pharmacists Without Borders, the network Mentors of Brazil, the Citizens for Education, Science, Technology and Innovation group and, more recently, the Innovation & Intellectual Property Brazil group.
Henry Suzuki
Sócio Fundador
Founding Partner Axonal
Consultoria Tecnológica

Doctor in Commercial Law from Universidad de Santiago de Compostela - SPAIN, Re. Ph.D in Commercial Law - University of São Paulo - USP, Associate Professor II at the National Faculty of Law at UFRJ (Graduate Coordinator 2007-2009); Director of the Master's Program in Law and Development at UCAM, Collaborating Professor at the BPTO's Innovation Academy (Professional Master's), Collaborating Professor at the Ph.D in Intellectual Property and Development at IE UFRJ/FIOCRUZ. Vice-President for the Southeast Region (2013-2016) Director-Counsel of the National Law Research Council (CONPEDI), Director of Studies for the Brazilian Association of Industrial Property Agents (ABAPI) (2006-2009); Director-Editor of the Journal of the Brazilian Intellectual Property Association (ABPI) (2016-2017) and Treasurer of the Licensing Executives Society Brazil (LES-Brazil) (2008-2009). He has experience in the area of Law, with an emphasis on Economic Law, working mainly on the following topics: technology transfer, competition restrictions, antitrust, know-how, and patent licensing. International Rapporteur (2017) of the Ligue International du Droit de la Concurrence (LIDC) - Paris. President of the OAB/RJ Competition Law Commission (2017-to-date). Board member of ABAPI. Partner at De Lima Assafim e Advogados Associados.
João Marcelo de Lima Assafim
Moderador | Moderator
Advogado | Lawyer
De Lima Assafim Advogados
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