Dirceu Teruya
Pesquisador em PI e Coordenador-Geral de contratos de tecnologia | Researcher in Industrial Property and General Coordinator of Technology Contracts INPI
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Researcher in Industrial Property at the BPTO since 04/2007. General Coordinator of Technology Contracts since 10/2016

Márcio Junqueira Leite is a member of the São Paulo office of Pinheiro Neto Advogados since 2000. His areas of practice comprise Intellectual Property and Entertainment Law (advisory, contracts and litigation), arbitration and general civil litigation. He graduated, in 2000, from the Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo School of Law, Post-Graduated in Civil Procedure from the same university (2005);
Master in Commercial Law from University of São Paulo Law School (2011); Post-Graduated in Entertainment Law by the International Institute of Social Sciences (2013). He is a member of the International Trademark Association – INTA, the Brazilian Association of Intellectual Property – ABPI and the Paulista Association of Intellectual Property – ASPI. He acts as Specialist of the Dispute Resolution Chamber of ABPI and the Brazilian Franchise Association – ABF. In 2015, published the book Second Use Patents in Brazil, by the publishing house Almedina.
Márcio Junqueira Leite
Counsel Pinheiro Neto

Obteve seu LL.M da Stanford Law School (2009) e possui um mestrado (2004) em Processo Civil e um LL.B. graduado (1999) pela PUC / SP (Brasil).
É autor do livro “Preliminary injunctions in Intellectual Property cases” e é Professor do LL.M. Curso da Ordem dos Advogados do Brasil (Escola Superior de Advogados-ESA).
Foi indicado como advogado líder em Tecnologia e PI pelo Chambers, Legal 500, Latin Lawyer 250 e outras publicações
José Mauro Decoussau Machado is a partner in the Technology and Intellectual Property (IP) area of Pinheiro Neto Advogados. His practice focuses on litigation and advisory work related to data protection, privacy and technology in general.
He earned his LL.M from Stanford Law School (2009) and holds a Master’s degree (2004) in Civil Procedure and a LL.B. degree (1999) from PUC/SP (Brazil).
He is the author of the book “Preliminary injunctions in Intellectual Property cases” and is a Professor in the LL.M. course of the Brazilian Bar Association (Escola Superior de Advogados-ESA).
He is nominated as a leading counsel in Technology and IP by Chambers, Legal 500, Latin Lawyer 250 and other publications.
José Mauro Decoussau Machado
Moderador | Moderator
Sócio / partner Pinheiros Neto Advogados
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