Adriana Brigss de Aguiar
Coordenadora Geral de Patentes | General Coordinator of Patents INPI
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Trabalha no INPI há 19 anos, onde chefiou as divisões de Equipamentos Médicos e de Modelo de Utilidade e atua como Membro do Grupo da Qualidade DIRPA desde 2010.
Atualmente é Coordenadora Geral de Patentes nas áreas de Mecânica, Metalúrgica, Equipamentos Médicos, Embalagens, Necessidades Humanas e Modelos de Utilidade, além de Diretora Substituta da Diretoria de Patentes, Programas de Computador e Topografias de Circuitos Integrados.
Civil Engineer with a Master's Degree in Environmental Engineering from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, and a Postgraduate Degree in Intellectual Property from the Federal Center for Technological Education Celso Suckow da Fonseca/Rio de Janeiro.
She has worked at the BPTO for 19 years, where she headed the Medical Equipment and Utility Model divisions and has been a Member of the DIRPA (Patent Board) Quality Group since 2010.
She is currently General Coordinator of Patents in the areas of Mechanics, Metallurgy, Medical Equipment, Packaging, Human Needs, and Utility Models, in addition to Deputy Director of the Patent Board, Computer Programs, and Topographies of Integrated Circuits.
Bernardo Marinho Fontes
Sócio | Partner Dannemann Siemsen
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