Professor associado | Associate professor
Universidade de Ciência política e direito
do Leste da China (ECUPL)
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Além disso, ele também é o Diretor Adjunto do Centro de Intercâmbio Internacional da ECUPL, responsável pelas relações exteriores, como intercâmbio de professores e cooperação acadêmica com instituições de parceria global. Publicou 2 livros, mais de 20 artigos em periódicos, e organizou vários projetos de pesquisa encomendados por autoridades estaduais.
Ele ministra cursos principalmente de Sistema Legal Chinês e Sistema Legal da OMC para alunos de graduação, pós-graduação e estudantes internacionais, incluindo profissionais jurídicos e funcionários do governo de diferentes jurisdições, como EUA, Austrália, UE, BRICS e países BRI. Ele tem atuado amplamente em colóquios internacionais como o Simpósio de Direito de Marcas dos EUA (Los Angeles), a Conferência do Asian Law Institute - ASLI (Seul; Cingapura), e a Conferência de Pesquisadores de Inovação e PI da Ásia - IPIRA (Kuala Lumpur), seja como palestrante ou moderador sobre questões jurídicas relacionadas à China.
O Dr. MA Le foi designado como juiz assistente no Tribunal de PI do Tribunal Popular de Pudong New District, Xangai, China, de 2013 a 2014. Ele também foi designado como vice-diretor do Trade Law Center no ECUPL Institute of China FTZ Law. Ele foi professor visitante da Faculdade de Direito da Universidade de São Francisco, ministrando um curso sobre questões jurídicas da OMC e da China em 2013. Também foi financiado pelo governo chinês para ser o pesquisador visitante da Macquarie University e da Queensland University of Technology na Austrália em 2015 e 2011, respectivamente.
Prof. Associado Dr. MA Le:
Mr. MA Le got his Ph.D. of law in 2010 in Jilin University School of law which is one of top law schools in China. He’s now an Associate Professor in East China University of Political Science and Law (ECUPL), specialized in Intellectual Property and International Economic Law. Besides, he is also the Deputy Director of International Exchange Center of ECUPL, in charge of foreign affairs as faculty exchange and academic cooperation with global partnership institutions. He has published 2 books, over 20 journal articles and hosted several research projects commissioned by state-level authorities.
He mainly gives courses as Chinese Legal System and WTO Legal System to undergraduates, postgraduates as well as international students including legal professionals and government officials from different jurisdictions as US, Australia, EU, BRICS and BRI countries. He has been widely involved in international colloquiums like US Trademark Law Symposium (Los Angeles), Asian Law Institute (ASLI) Conference (Seoul; Singapore) and IP & Innovation Researchers of Asia (IPIRA) Conference (Kuala Lumpur), either as presenter or moderator on legal issues concerning China.
Dr. MA Le had been assigned as the Assistant Judge in IP Court of People’s Court of Pudong New District, Shanghai China from 2013 to 2014. He has also been assigned as the Vice Director of Trade Law Center in ECUPL Institute of China FTZ Law. He used to be the Visiting Professor of University of San Francisco School of Law running a course on Legal Issues of WTO and China in 2013. He was also funded by Chinese Government to be the visiting scholar of Macquarie University and Queensland University of Technology in Australia in 2015 and 2011 respectively.
Assoc Prof. Dr. MA Le:

Irene Calboli is Professor of Law at Texas A&M University School of Law, Academic Fellow at the School of Law, University of Geneva, Visiting Professor at Nanyang Technological University, Senior Fellow at Melbourne Law School, and Transatlantic Technology Law Fellow at Stanford University. Irene’s research focus on IP, International Trade, and Cultural Heritage Law. Her most recent books include: Exausting Intellectual Property Right: A Comparative Law and Policy Analysis (Cambridge University Press, 2018, with S. Ghosh); The Protection of Non Traditional Trdemarks: Critical Perspectives (Oxford University Press, 2018, with M. Senftleben); and The Cambridge Handbook of Comparative and International Trademark Law (Cambridge University Press, 2020, with Jane C. Ginsburg). She is a member of the Editorial Board of the Queen Mary Journal of Intellectual Property, the Journal of Intellectual Property Law and Practice (Oxford), and the WIPO-WTO Colloquium Papers. An elected member of the American Law Institute, she serves in leadership positions in a variety of professional organizations, including the International Law Association (Singapore Branch); the Board of the European Policy for Intellectual Property Law Association; the International Trademark Association, and Association of American Law Schools (AALS). Irene regularly acts as expert for national governments and international organizations, including the World Intellectual Property Organization, the EU Intellectual Property Office and Commission, and several national IP offices.
Irene Calboli
Professora de direito | Professor of Law
Texas A&M University

Universidades de Ulm e Bayreuth, “Wirtschaftsjurist (Univ. Bayreuth)” (especialista em direito comercial)
Todos os campos relacionados a marcas registradas, incluindo litígios de marcas registradas, ações judiciais, assessoria geral
Concorrência desleal
Nomes do domínio
Internet e proteção de dados;
Alemão, inglês
Admitted to the Bar 2012
Universities of Ulm and Bayreuth, "Wirtschaftsjurist (Univ. Bayreuth)" (commercial law specialist)
All trademark related fields including trademark litigation, prosecution, general advice
Unfair competition
Domain name
Internet and data protection;
German, English
Philipp Strommer
Sócio | Partner
Grunnecker Law Firm

Doctor and Master in Civil Law from UERJ (State University of Rio de Janeiro), 2016 WIPO-WTO Colloquium for Teachers of Intellectual Property Alumni, Professor at Puc-Rio, partner of Denis Borges Barbosa Advogados.
Raul Murad Ribeiro de Castro
Sócio | Partner
Denis Borges Barbosa Advogados
José Carlos Vaz e Dias
Sócio | Partner Vaz e Dias Advogados
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