Michael R. Nye
Harness, Dickey & Pierce, P.L.C
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A prática de Michael se concentra em patentes em tecnologias elétricas e de informática. Ele concebe estratégias para proteger e desenvolver ativos de PI para atingir os objetivos de negócios de cada cliente. Prepara e processa pedidos de patentes, analisa cenários competitivos para identificar potenciais infratores, analisa oportunidades para proteção de patentes futuras, revisa auditorias jurídicas de carteiras de PI e assessora nos assuntos relacionados à liberdade de operação para novas ofertas e recursos de produtos. Michael possui experiência aprofundada em procedimentos pós-emissão, incluindo a nova Revisão Inter Partes e o Covered Business Method Review (Análise do Método Comercial Coberto).
Michael se formou em Engenharia Elétrica pela Universidade de Michigan. Permaneceu na Universidade de Michigan, obtendo o título de Mestre em Engenharia Elétrica, com especialização em Circuitos e Microssistemas. Ele aprecia os detalhes técnicos complexos de um projeto e geralmente consegue colaborar com inventores em um nível técnico sem que eles precisem simplificar demais.
Patentes; Transações de PI
Automotivo, Aeroespacial e Transporte; Eletrônicos de consumo; Elétrica, Computação e Internet; Processamento e dispositivos de semicondutores; Software e Tecnologia da Informação; Telecomunicações e tecnologia sem fio.
Principal / Detroit Metro Office
Michael’s practice focuses on patents in electrical and computer related technologies. He devises strategies for protecting and developing IP assets to achieve each client’s business objectives. He prepares and prosecutes patent applications, reviews competitive landscapes to identify potential infringers, analyzes opportunities for future patent protection, performs due diligence reviews of IP portfolios, and advises on freedom to operate for new product offerings and features. Michael is further experienced in post-issuance proceedings, including the new Inter Partes Review and Covered Business Method Review. Michael received a Bachelor’s degree in Electrical Engineering from the University of Michigan. He continued at the University of Michigan, earning a Master’s degree in Electrical Engineering, specializing in Circuits and Microsystems. He enjoys the complex technical details of a project, and can generally engage inventors on a technical level without them having to oversimplify.
Patents; IP Transactions
Automotive, Aerospace & Transportation; Consumer Electronics; Electrical,
Computer & Internet; Semiconductor Processing & Devices; Software &
Information Technology; Telecommunications & Wireless Technology

Christof ingressou no escritório de PI Bardehle Pagenberg, sediado em Munique, na Alemanha, em 2003, onde se tornou sócio em 2010. Ele é advogado licenciado para exercer a advocacia na Alemanha e em Nova York, e advogado de patentes alemão e europeu. Formado em ciência da computação pela Munich Technical University, com diploma da Cambridge University. Também é formado em direito, com doutorado em direito pela Ludwig-Maximilian-University Munich, e um LL.M. da George Washington University, Washington D.C.
Dr. Christof Karl specializes in litigation and prosecution of patents, particularly in the technical fields of computer hardware and software. He has extensive experience in multi-jurisdictional cases in the field of telecommunications, including with regard to all aspects of patent-related anti-trust law. One of the main areas of his patent prosecution practice relates to the patentability of software and other computer-implemented inventions. He also advises clients on issues of licensing, employee invention law, copyright law and Internet law.
Christof joined the Munich, Germany based IP-boutique Bardehle Pagenberg in 2003, where he became a partner in 2010. He is an attorney-at-law licensed to practice in Germany and New York, and a German and European Patent Attorney. He holds a degree in computer science from the Munich Technical University and a diploma from Cambridge University. He has a law degree and a Ph.D. in law from the Ludwig-Maximilian-University Munich, and an LL.M. from the George Washington University, Washington D.C.
Christof Karl
Sócio | Partner
Bardehle Pagenberg

Especialista da Câmara de Solução de Disputas Relativas a Nomes de Domínio (CASD-ND) desde 2012 e árbitro da Câmara de Arbitragem (CArb-ABPI) da Associação Brasileira da Propriedade Intelectual (ABPI) desde 2015. Membro do Comitê Executivo da Associação Brasileira da Propriedade Intelectual (ABPI) como Representante Seccional no Estado do Paraná, 2014-2015 e 2016-2017 e como Diretor-Editor desde 2018. Membro do Standing Committee “Standards and Patents” da Association Internationale pour la Protection de la Propriété Intellectuelle (AIPPI) desde 2012. Autor do Capítulo do Brasil do livro Software Patents Worldwide publicado pela Wolters Kluwer.
Executive Education Program “Intellectual Property and Business Strategy” from the Harvard Business School, in Boston, United States. Master in Economic and Social Law from the Pontifical Catholic University of Paraná PUC/PR: Dissertation "Arbitration and Intellectual Property".
Bachelor of Laws from the Pontifical Catholic University of Paraná PUC/PR. Bachelor of Business Administration from FAE Business School.
Expert of the Chamber of Dispute Resolution related to Domain Names (CASD-ND) since 2012 and arbitrator at the Arbitration Chamber (CArb-ABPI) of the Brazilian Association of Industrial Property (ABPI) since 2015. Member of the Executive Committee of the Brazilian Association of Industrial Property (ABPI) as the Representative for Paraná’s Regional Office, 2014-2015 and 2016-2017 and as Director-Editor since 2018. Member of the Association Internationale pour la Protection de la Propriété Intellectuelle (AIPPI) Standing Committee “Standards and Patents” since 2012. Author of the Brazilian Chapter of the book Software Patents Worldwide published by Wolters Kluwer.
Marcio Merkl
Moderador/ Moderator
Sócio | Partner ABREU, MERKL
Diretor – Editor | Director – Editor
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