R. Craig Tucker
Advogado de patentes
Patent Counsel
Eli Lilly & Company
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Ampla experiência em diferentes segmentos do setor Farmacêutico e Saúde: Clínico, Regulatório, Relações Governamentais, Marketing, Vendas.
Amplo conhecimento do mercado de produtos biológicos, hospitalares, oncológicos, aids, primários e genéricos. Dois anos de experiência no mercado odontológico.
Quatro anos como Gerente Geral dos Laboratórios Abbott, dois dos quais em Porto Rico e dois no Brasil.
Dois anos como CEO do SIN, empresa nacional brasileira do setor de produtos médicos odontológicos.
Nos últimos oito anos, ela é vice-presidente de Estratégia e Inovação da Eurofarma Laboratórios S.A.
Extensive experience in different segments of the Pharmaceutical and Health sectors: Clinical, Regulatory, Government Relations, Marketing, Sales.
Extensive knowledge of the market for biological, hospital, cancer, AIDS, primary and generic products. Two years of experience in the dental market.
Four years as General Manager of Abbott Laboratories, two of which in Puerto Rico, and two in Brazil.
Two years as CEO of SIN, a Brazilian national company in the sector of dental medical products.
For the past eight years, she has been Vice President of Strategy and Innovation at Eurofarma Laboratórios S.A.
Martha Novelli Penna
Vice Presidente
Vice President of Strategy and Innovation
FABIANO ANDREATTA is from Osasco, São Paulo, Brazil, graduated in Law from PUC/SP and a lawyer for 26 years. He has worked in the pharmaceutical industry for 28 years, always in the Legal and Compliance areas, having worked in multinationals in the sector such as Lilly, Novartis, and Boehringer Ingelheim. He is an ABPI member, and a militant Corinthian.
Fabiano Andreatta
Advogado | Lawyer
Luiz Augusto Lopes Paulino
Moderador | Moderator
Sócio | Partner
Dannemann Siemsen
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